Sunday, May 24, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

After several days of not feeling too well, I was happy to be able to get back into things with the health clinic for the kids at the construction site yesterday. I really enjoyed interacting with the kids as well as practicing my physical exam skills. Anemia and vitamin deficiencies were most common, as we expected, and I realized I need to brush up on heart and lung sounds. We also saw some adults, and that's where the communication barrier became evident, as they had specific complaints that needed interpretation. Before we left, we got a few pictures with the kids (they love to both have their picture taken and take pictures of us!). Hope we can get those up soon.
We had a nice dinner out last night, then we were able to see some of the Cricket game on TV. I am kind of getting the gist of the sport, but mostly I enjoy watching how into it the whole country is!

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