Thursday, June 4, 2009

Headed off to Kanha

We are leaving for Kanha (a.k.a. the jungle) later today so we will be off the grid and unable to blog. However, we will be beginning communication through smoke signals. Stay Tuned...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

a few more pics

mobile creche, jai ho, buddha, gods & generals

The last couple of days have been crazy busy. Sunday we held another health camp with Tara Mobile Creche at a construction site. We saw about 95 kids and about 12 adults. Many of the kids had respiratory infections and lung congestion. Some of the more interesting patients we saw presented with hemiparesis, a ventricular shunt, pneumonia, and appendicitis. Mobile Creche runs a small school at this site & provides breakfast and an afternoon snack for the children. The school is not a formal school, but provides the children with some basic education and nutrition. It was an honor to work with such a dedicated group of people.

After the health camp we spent the evening attending an A. R. Rahman concert. If anyone has seen Slumdog Millionare then they've heard his song "Jai Ho". A. R. Rahman is one of the best known musicians in India, and writes/produces music for many Indian films. Kunal thinks he is better than the Beatles, but John & Nick think he is more like Elton John. There were probably 60,000 people at the concert of all ages. The finale ended with an awesome fireworks display and of course the song Jai Ho.

The next morning we woke up and left for Arungabad at 5 am. At some point we ate at a roadside restaurant & had what I can only describe as Indian onion rings for breakfast. We had a National Lampoon's Family Vacation moment when we checked into the hotel and found out that Ajanta was closed on Mondays. However it all worked out and we went to see the Caves at Ellora & the fort at Daultabad. The sculptures and temples at Ellora were very impressive. Everyone wanted their picture taken with Megan & Nick, they were much more of an attraction than the caves. Some people just wanted to shake Megan's hand & to see her hair. According to Kunal (our translator) they think Nick is a cricket player & after meeting Megan they screamed "that was awesome". So our new CURA fund raiser is charging people to get their picture taken with Megan.

Yesterday we made it to Ajanta (the one place in all of India I wanted to see!!). It was pretty spectacular. The caves at Ajanta still have some of the original paintings & it
is insane to imagine what it would be like if all of the caves were still covered in paintings. Today we are making our last minute preparations for our health camp in Kanha.....